Built by The trusted creators of the world's most popular keyboarding software,, have put their years of education expertise behind Nitro Type
Keep your students engaged and practicing to increase their typing speed and accuracy long after their last typing test through the skill-building fun of Nitro Type. But, still, have you seen that fast speed on nitro type before? Uhh, yeah. Of course this speed is achieved with an AutoTyper. The Fastest Typist in the World Wins the Ultimate Typing Championship Posted on Augby Das Keyboard Staff On Saturday, August 22nd, 2020, a new Ultimate Typing Champion was crowned, Anthony Ermolin, dethroning former Champion Sean Wrona in an intense battle for the $5,000 first prize. Home Who is the fastest typer in Nitro type 2021 Leaderboards - Nitro Type Competitive Typing Gam